WSR will from time to time hold night launches at our Federal Rd. high-power field. Just like our regular launches, night launches are open to the public.
Night launches are held in concurrence with a day launch. We take a break after the day launch, so you can head into town to get dinner or take a restroom break (Cedarville, north on 72 (at the stop sign on Federal Road), South Charleston to the northeast, or Jamestown to the southwest). We’re still working on some kind of restroom facilities at the field but we cannot construct anything permanent there. Even if you’re only planning to participate in or observe the night launch, we urge you to arrive during the day launch to familiarize yourself with the field and ensure safe parking.
These rules and rocket requirements were created to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all involved.
- All daytime launch rules detailed in the Flyers Meeting apply, except as modified by these night rules.
- A reduced waiver ceiling will be announced before the night launch (usually 2500’ AGL). Please plan your motor choices appropriately.
- We may set a max motor impulse, and may allow or disallow sparky motors due to field conditions.
- No complex HPR night flights. Low power clusters and staging* are allowed.
- No maiden flights during the night launch. Because many OddRocs and scratchbuilts are made specifically for night launches, a daytime shakedown flight is required (operating lights is not necessary).
- Rockets must be actively lit throughout the entire flight profile.
- Light emitted by the motor thrust alone is not sufficient, regardless of propellant type.
- The rocket must remain lit after landing.
- The rocket needs to be visible from at least 300’ away.
- Lighting requirements:
- Primary lighting: LEDs, securely attached to or contained within the rocket, are preferred. Flashlight/incandescent bulbs are acceptable. Colored, color changing, and strobing lights are allowed.
- Cyalume “glow sticks” are allowable as primary lighting as long as they are securely attached or contained and your motor is sufficient to lift their weight.
- Glow-in-the-dark paint is NOT considered primary lighting, but its use is allowed.
- Devices that burn in order to produce light (like sparklers or other pyrotechnics) are prohibited.
- Each individually-recovering segment of the rocket must have independent lighting (*booster stages, ejected payloads, separating airframe segments, etc.).
- Consider adding easily accessible power switches and battery holders when designing your rocket.
- Field/personal lighting requirements:
- Only the LCO table should be using white light. You may use white light at your vehicle but please be considerate of those around you and in the spectator area.
- Individual flashlights, headlamps, lanterns, and other handheld or work lighting should utilize a red bulb, lens or filter if possible, to preserve night vision (taillight repair tape can be used).
- People loading rockets or recovering them in the field must carry lighting and/or have reflective clothing.
- Exercise additional caution around the pads. Move slowly, watch for rod ends, and avoid getting tangled in launch leads or pad legs. There will be guide lighting on the ground to help you find your way.
If you have any questions on how the night launch operates, or you need to consult on the construction of your night rocket, ask any board member at Build Night or send us an email personally or via the mail service.