If the Wright Stuff Rocketeers sounds like the NAR section with the people, facilities, and spirit that will ignite your interest in rocketry, we invite you to become a member. Your membership fee covers you for the entire calendar year (January through December). We do not charge launch fees at our launches. Pay just once and fly all year!

We can sign you up to join us and NAR at any of our club launches or events, or online using the links below.

If you’re already a member of NAR, the annual cost to join WSR is $10 for your entire family. You can join online by visiting this online store link. If you are not currently a NAR member, you are limited to using D-impulse motors and below at our club launches.

We highly encourage you to become a member of NAR. You can join online here.


PRESIDENT: Dave Combs /


SECRETARY: Mark McBride /

TREASURER: Carter de Werd

​SENIOR ADVISOR: Randy Boadway /


WSR is the NAR

Wright Stuff Rocketeers is Section 703 of the National Association of Rocketry, the sport rocketry hobby’s foremost national organization. Based in Dayton, we serve the southwestern Ohio region. We are a well-equipped section, with complete low-power and high-power ground support equipment like launch systems, pads, rods and rails, and PA equipment for on-the-field communications. We fly in accordance with the NAR Model and High Power Rocketry Safety Codes, so we’re covered by the NAR’s general liability insurance at our activities.

WSR is Experience

Our members have literally centuries of building and flying experience. From the smallest MicroMaxx to giant high-power projects, wood glue to fiberglass and composites, simple park flyers to the most detailed and accurate scale models – we’ve built them all. Got a project in your head that needs to get onto the work bench? New to dual-deployment?  Come see us. With local vendor support from eRockets and Merlin Missiles, all the parts are close at hand to make your dream project a reality! Drop in to one of our Tuesday night build sessions, and you’ll have the environment you need to focus on your build.

WSR is Outreach

The most rewarding part of any hobby is introducing new people to it! We can make your group’s introduction to rocketry enjoyable and safe. Our equipment and our people are the key to meeting your curriculum goals and getting you from the classroom to the launch pad.

WSR is Competition

The NAR offers a rich competition program, where rocketeers use their skills to design and build rockets that will satisfy specific missions such as time spent aloft (duration events), carrying objects into the sky and returning them safely (payload and egg-lofting events), and making incredibly detailed and historically accurate models of rockets from the military, NASA and science fiction (scale events). WSR members excel in many of these events, and starting in 2015, we as a section began hosting regional competitions at our fields. To compete with us, you simply need to be a current NAR member (sign-ups are available at the field).

WSR Doesn’t Stand Still

We’re always up to something. We challenge ourselves. To us, good enough just isn’t. We can always make it fly higher, faster, and safer. Our members strive to get the most out of rocketry, and we want to help you experience it too. Whether you’re new to the hobby or you have rockets that have been stowed away for years, it’s time to get to the pad and fly! Consider joining the Wright Stuff Rocketeers today.