FEDERAL ROAD HIGH-POWER FIELD – 5995 Federal Rd., Cedarville OH
Elevation 1070′ MSL. Class 2 high power with a 12,000′ AGL waiver, no call-ins. Just a few miles east of Xenia, this site features a farm field that is available from fall harvest until spring planting. Restroom facilities are not available at this time. Note: You will not use the driveway at the address. The entrance to the field is at either end of the bridge just after Oglesbee Road, about 1/2 mile west of the actual address. Watch for the NAR/WSR launch signs as you approach the bridge, and drive down the side of the hill that has the sign. Also, the hill is steep, so be careful and consider taking a vehicle with additional ground clearance.
Please read the WSR High-Power Rules before flying at this field.
RIP RAP LOW-POWER FIELD – 6140 Rip Rap Rd., Dayton OH
West of Huber Heights, the field features more than 100 acres of mowed grass and is available year-round. Use the western Chambersburg Rd. gravel entrance (closest to Rip Rap Rd.) on the north end of the field. Port-a-Johns available in the spring/summer/fall. There is no FAA waiver so rockets are limited to Class 1 (3.3 pounds, G total impulse, 125g combined propellant weight) due to the field’s size and location. DO NOT DRIVE ON THE GRASS; stay on the gravel lanes to get to the launch site and then pull or back into the grass to park. DO NOT USE THE GRASS TO TURN AROUND.
CORSA (Central Ohio Rocketry & Spacemodeling Alliance #787) – Case Farms, 3297 Panhandle Rd., Delaware OH 43015
CORSA has a brand new field for summer high power launches with a 6000′ waiver. There is a long gravel lane (please drive slowly) and be aware of the railroad crossing (it has no signals). Ample parking in the gravel lot among the buildings and to the right of the lane past them. There will be a port-a-john on site. CORSA also launches low and midpower at Freedom Park in Sunbury and Jackson Farms near Center Village.
ROAR (Ripley Ohio Association of Rocketry #851) – Moran-McCaughey Sport Rocket Range, Howland Rd., Ripley OH
ROAR’s field is a Class 1 (3.3 pound / G impulse limit) non-waiver field that is on the northeast side of Howland Rd. It’s at the top of the Rt. 62 hill climbing out of Ripley. Howland Rd. is across the highway from the Ohio Valley Manor Nursing Home. Restrooms are not available on the field, however you may use the facilities at the home of club president Tom Zachman.
ROCI (Rocketeers of Central Indiana #625) – AMA IAC, 5161 E Memorial Dr., Muncie IN 47302
This is the Academy of Model Aeronautics – International Aeromodeling Center, Site 1 (with the Pavilion). High-power capable up to K motors, with a 6000′ AGL waiver. Port-a-Johns available except in winter. There is usually a $5 launch fee for non-members wanting to fly high power rockets. WARNING: HIGH-TENSION POWER LINES RUN ALONG THE WEST BORDER OF THE FIELD. THE COST OF REMOVING OR RETRIEVING A ROCKET FROM THESE LINES IS VERY HIGH. It is your responsibility to fly the field and the conditions you are given so that you avoid the power lines.
SORA (Southwestern Ohio Rocketry Association #624) – Hisey Park, 5443 Middletown Rd., Corwin OH
SORA typically flies on Sundays so their schedule rarely conflicts with ours. Drive into the parking lot and watch for the cars parked in the grass; there is a gravel road (marked “NO VEHICLES BEYOND THIS POINT”) that takes you to the parking area. Class 1 non-waiver field with F or G impulse limit, at the discretion of the RSO on this cozy field. Port-a-Johns available in the spring/summer/fall.
TMO (Tripoli Mid-Ohio, TRA #31) – 8345 SR 41 South Charleston, OH 45368
Class 2 high power with a 18,000′ AGL waiver, no call-ins. Just up the road from our Federal Rd. field, TMO is a farm field that is available while the crops are out. Restroom facilities are usually available at launches. TMO charges a $20 launch fee. Use the driveway at the given address, and continue down the gravel lane to parking. Speed limit is a strict 5mph. Being a Tripoli prefecture, the use of experimental (EX) propellants is allowed for properly certified TRA members. Before flying at TMO, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with their rules.
WVSOAR (West Virginia Southeastern Ohio Area Rocketry #564) – Vinton County Airport, New Plymouth OH 45654
Elevation 937′ MSL. Class 2 high power with a 10,000′ AGL waiver, no call-ins. Just 7 miles north of McArthur, this site features a farm field that is available year round. Restroom facilities are not available at this time, though there are two in the terminal building. Note: You will not drive across the runway at any time. Take Route 93 to mile marker 14, turning east onto Airport Road for a mile. The entrance to the field is off Pumpkin Ridge Road, about 1/2 mile east of where Airport Road T’s off to the south. Watch for the WVSOAR launch signs as you approach the entrance, and drive slowly on the rough graveled farm lane at the sign. Turn left at the farm lane intersection, looking for us on the hilltop to the left.